Monday, June 8, 2009

Massacre on East Hill

Okay, it was really only a couple birds. That probably doesn't qualify as a massacre. But still, we were disappointed. Some friendly folks picking up hay from Jonny visited our chickens and noticed a small pile of feathers and guts behind one of the chicken tractors. We can't figure out if it was a hawk or a varmint, but it could have been either. We mended a couple of holes and tomorrow will fortify the structure. It's bound to happen with such delectable morsels. We hope it won't happen again.

Today Oliver and I went to look at Mimi's sheep. She has too many for her space and offered to sell us three yearlings. We're going to take them. They are so affectionate. And wooly! I'll have to shear two of them and then decide what to do with the fleeces. It was great hanging out with Mimi, her friend Jim, and son Rip. Their family has been in the Londonderry area for ages it seems and they have deep roots. I loved visiting Haven Hill for the first time. What kind people they all are.

Sounds like we're not getting a cow for the hill just now. Sniff. But someday we surely will. The menagerie wouldn't be complete without one.

Tonight for dinner we are having stir-fry with Doug Adams' beefalo steak, young turnips from Deep Meadow (a trade for cream), and parsnips, plus a salad of our greens. I have to freeze some of that spinach or it's all going to get away from me!

Happy eating to all,

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